"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


I had a few mintues so I played with formatting. It's more fun wrting when you have some idea what it's going to look like on the page.

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Let me know what you think.

Stuck in the middle

So, I'm stuck somewhere in the middle. The characters have been introduced, the stage has been set. Now it's a matter of getting everyone to start interacting. And I couldn't think of a thing Thursday. Seriously, I've got nothing.

So, when the beginning's done and the middle is being a red-headed step child, go straight to the end and work your way back. That's what I did and it seemed to work.

I threw down about another 2,000 words on the ending, but working at the bar put an end to that. I took a tablet of paper with me and managed to get some things down, but the post-Turkey drinking crowd wanted nothing to do with it.

It was my first time bartending alone and the place didn't burn down. I'm sure I'll hear today of what I did wrong. While pizza was my solid Thanksgiving dinner, I managed to come up with a shot to put it all in one glass.

Wild Turkey (turkey) + Vodka (potatoes) + beer (stuffing/roll) + cranberry juice (cranberry sauce) + moonshine corn whiskey (vegetables) + amaretto (pecan pie) + pumpkin pie syrup (pumpkin pie) = Thanksgiving Dinner

Actually, it wasn't that bad. It just shows how low my standards are.

There's working today at the paper and then the bar, then work tomorrow at the paper and then it's on to vacation. Or my idea of a vacation, holing up in my apartment, sucking down loads of coffee while typing like a mad man at a computer.

Wow, I'm cool.


Turkey bowling & writing

Nothing new yet, other than this drip coming from my nose. Usually, I get sick on my vacation, but this year I get it the week before.

Tonight I'll be officiating over turkey bowling at the bar. I wanted to use live turkeys, but that idea was nixed. I still might do the sound effects.

Then I'll spend all day on Turkey Day writing. I won't be going home. No one to have dinner with. Woe-is-me, right? No!

Last year was so great, I'm still overfilled. Bama and I made quite a nice showing for two kids that don't cook that often. We sat and fed our faces and chilled on the couch. Best holiday memory I've ever had. Seriously, it kicked ass.

I wish you all the best and I'll make sure to keep posting tidbits as I spend next week sheltered inside my apartment.

Have some extra stuffing for me.


Half way, finally

Last night, sat down for a bit and threw down about a thousand words. I finally topped the 50 percent mark. My biggest mistake as of far was editing pieces when I should just have been writing. The first draft is supposed to be rough.

Slowly, the book is becoming more commentary on college in general. Maybe I oversimplify too much, but I'm trying to view it from a former straight-edge kid who's running around drunk and horny all of the time.

But, I will say one thing. With Thanksgiving off, and the week to follow. I WILL FINISH. I repeat, I will finish. Some of the material by the end might not be too great for reading, but it will fit into the full amount.

I can't thank everyone enough for the criticism on the few chapters I've thrown down. It's much appreciated. The book is directed towards our age group, so the more input you can give me, the better.

Don't worry about my feelings. If you say something to make the book better, my pride can go to hell. And yes, that was me saying it. Capt. Cocky. Admiral Arrogant. Sgt. Shithead.