"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


Grad schools...

So last week was the week of rejections. From everywhere.

Iowa said no. So did Colorado, Michigan, Brown and others. I got a story rejected from a literary magazine I really respect. There were some personal rejections too, but since this blog is supposed to be about my literary ventures, we'll stick to those.

The worst of all of them was Colorado — sending me an e-mail on Saturday night that not all of my letters of recommendation arrived, so they couldn't accept my application. On a Saturday night! That's when I get to find out someone couldn't manage to send a letter, even after promising me they would! Let's just say it killed the mood for what could have been a magically adventurous and much-needed night off.

Anyway, this is the week of acceptances. Baltimore wants me, which is great because of their non-traditional program. We could be a good mix together. "You're in" is such a good phrase to hear. (Proceed to scraping your mind out o' the gutter).

I also received a financial aid offer from San Francisco State. I have yet to get a final yes or no from them, but I figure since they went through the trouble of making sure I could afford to go there, there might be some interest in me.

In other news, the Buffalo Carp release party was last night. And, of course, since I had two pieces chosen for it and was a judge in the short fiction contest, I couldn't make it. One very talented writer said of the event, "I'm really proud of the Quad Cities tonight."

Really wish I could have been there. Anyway, but it, support it, love it.