"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


Update: Laptop

So Gabriel at Computer Evolutions in Davenport fixed my laptop. He wasn't able to retrieve anything on it because the old hard drive wouldn't so much as spin. At least it was fixed for free under warranty.

As far as the most important info -- the book and anything for my grad school application -- I got some of it back.

There's a hero in this tale. His name is Matt Meenan, otherwise known as the valiant copy editor who helped with A Constant Suicide without ever having met me. The first time we met was at the release party.

So, this tank manual editor not only had the documents I emailed him, but also edited them quickly enough that I was able to spend a Saturday fixing all of the necessary corrections. Honestly, he's one of those great editors that not only spots where a comma should go, but also where dates and numbers don't match up.

He's a writer's editor that you have to love. I do.

So, the grad school application is 98 percent done. By tomorrow, it will be ready for the mail. Cross the fingers, say a prayer, whatever, but the Iowa Writer's Workshop is the only thing in my life I've ever really held my breath over.

The silver lining of it was that that the 50 pages of the book that no longer exist will be fun to write again because I now have a better idea of how Jake, the narrator, is and can be true to his character.

Maybe my computer needs to crash more often.

Or not. That's just dumb.


Goodbye friend...

My laptop is dead.

Out of nowhere, my 5-month-old computer completely crapped out on me. The hard drive is fried. In its silent, yet spectacular breakdown, it took everything with it.

Some 70 pages of the next novel.

My grad school application.

All short stories. All programs. All music. All photos.

Lesson of the day -- BACK UP EVERYTHING. I didn't. That's why I'm dumb.

At least it's under warranty.

Once I get it back, I'll start over with the novel. Maybe it was God's way of telling me it wasn't that good to begin with.