"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.



Sorry to anyone who ordered from Amazon.com. There's going to be a delay.

I have heard shipping as late as June 24, but I haven't heard anything from them as to why. I'm guessing -- and you know I don't do well at that -- but it's probably from the rush of getting them so close to the release date. There on Friday, released on Tuesday.

Either way, the thing's got my name on it, so I'll take the heat for it.

But please, remain vigilant.

If you haven't ordered already, and live in the beautiful land of the Quad-Cities, go to Borders in Davenport (map). They've got copies at the same price as Amazon -- and you can get them now without shipping!

Don't get me wrong, Amazon has been good to me. It's just that I'm old-fashioned. I love bookstores. I love seeing people buying books, reading them, and doing a bit of that myself. I'll take a store over the Internet anyday.

That, and there's a book signing at the Davenport Borders on June 16 at 1 p.m., so stop by and come stare at the geek at the table.


Anonymous said...

I just got an email mo'fo' from Amazon saying I can't read your book. The heat is yours to take, Iam so pissed.

Unknown said...

Seriously, I'm a writer, not a distributor!