"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.



In the land of the day-workers, I write for a newspaper. And being in the media -- the critics of elected officials, policies, etc. -- we're constantly open to scrutiny ourselves. It used to be under breath and through mail and phone lines, but since the advent of the Internet (Oh, this blessed device!), saying whatever you want anonymously has been everywhere.

Then, while a teenager began trial, a blog was born: QCMediaReview.com. For months anonymous "editors" blogged about what local media did right, wrong and anything else. And blogophiles came in hordes, discussing everything from national media to the hairstyles of local TV anchors.

And, after months of sporadic posts, the Media Reviewers have officially called it quits, leaving behind parting words for each local media outlet. One part about the Argus/Dispatch stuck out to me, obviously:

"Brian Krans seems competent..."

The word "seems" made me crack up laughing. It's like I can fake it for the paper and they haven't met me in real life. It's not a Pulitzer, but from constant media critics, I'll take it!


Anonymous said...

Ha! I googled your name awhile back and saw that site. That comment stuck out in my mind as well. In a sea of hatred for other journalists you get a nice half assed compliment. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

The site has high expectations and a mission but fell to the wayside of its goal. In the end it turned out to be little more than water cooler gossiping with readers more interested in knowing the who-what-where & hows of the latest media sexual escapades and just who has the nicest TV smile.