"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


Misc. ramblings from the notebook...

Here are just a few things that will probably leak into the book. Right now, there just random thoughts that will weave into the mindsight of some of the book's more colorful characters.

"Everyone was once someone's kid. We were all once teenagers with goals, aspirations, raging emotions and out-of-control hormones. A lot of us forget that all the time."

"Underneath it all, it's still there. It, the unknown and unnamed. These feelings, the fear of the unknown. What I do know is that I like what I don't know.
Blind ignorance.
A chosen stupidity.
Constant disaffection.
Unalarming apathy.
I have it because I want it."

"Tell people they're worthless.
Tell a guy he's lazy.
Call a girl a slut.
Tell a boy he's crazy.
Call another a freak.
Don't worry, they won't disappoint you.
They'll be everything you tell them they'll be.
Or nothing at all.
If you tell them."

"No one really ever wants to see someone else be happy. We love the misery of others."

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