"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


"Freeze Tag on the Highway"

So, following a hiatus where I worked on my social life, exploring America and about half a dozen short stories, I'm back working on the novel. Since I have an agent in New York currently reading it, I think it's a good idea to have more pages available than what I've sent them.

It's not like I've been sitting on my couch watching movies all the time. I've been getting more active in SkateChurch again, traveling in a van to Texas, a week in Vegas, a trip home, a food column for ONE Magazine, hectic changes in my work and romantic life, becoming an editor at Buffalo Carp, and a whole bunch of other side projects. I've been a busy boy because, for some reason, I don't think there's such a thing as "too busy." Thanks mom.

Sadly, since beginning the latest novel — titled Freeze Tag on the Highway — I'm only about 150 pages into it. I know where I want to go, but since it's written in present tense, I really can't jump around like I did for A Constant Suicide.

There's also the fun task of applying to grad schools. In the end, I applied to about eight (I say "applied" when I still have one more to apply to). Yes, I only applied to ones that didn't require the GRE. The thought of taking a huge standardized test that will help judge if I can get into a Creative Writing program makes no sense. You would think the worse someone did on the test would better their chances. I know I'm wrong.

So, while waiting for either little- or big-letter day from each school come March, I'm on the novel train. There aren't any really big short story ideas burning through my head, so it's about time I get clipping along on that. I want it done before I go to grad school.

Then again, if I don't get into school, I'm going to pack up my crap and move to Portland and become a hermit for a while. Maybe somewhere warmer.

And here's a photo tour of what I've been up to:

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