"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


Rock Town Press

That's right kids, not only am I self-publishing my book, my friend, Aiden Landman, and I are starting our own publishing firm: ROCK TOWN PRESS

My book's the experimental project, followed by a second when he finishes his first novel.

So far, while more writing and editing needs to be done on A Constant Suicide, here's the cast and crew for the finish product.

Rock Town Press logo: Brandon "Brando" Price
ACS Cover: Shawn Eldridge
ACS Artwork: Amanda (Sorry, don't know you last name) from Hickey Brothers
ACS Editor: Aiden Landman
Printer: I-Demand of Davenport, Iowa.

The people are coming together so the thing can go places.

Sorry, that's all I got for now. Murder trials and bar work keeping me busy. More as it comes.


Anonymous said...

If you need a good accounting firm down the line, let me know.

Brian Krans said...

Joe if I had my way, I'd be able to employ all of you guys. Kellen could do my marketing, Derick the advertising, Jay could do promotions, you and John accounting. My brother could do PR, Ryan would be my lawyer, Kautza the in-house doctor ('Cause you know if we all worked together, random injuries would occur.).
Meredith would just want to be able to name all of the characters in the book.
Hopefully someday, there'd be jobs for everyone.

Jay said...

well its good to hear that its taking off. Goes to show you that theres real interest in the book, and what your vision is. Congrats on pulling it all off, and best of luck and wishes in turning this into a successful operation!

Brian Krans said...

Jay I can't tell you how much your support, and that from others, means to me. You guys all kick ass.