"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


Plans never stop changing...

When I was growing up, I wanted to be a cowboy, among other things. Plans didn't work out.

Then, around high school graduation time, it was a cop. Then it was a journalist. At least I hit the mark somewhere close, somewhere down the line.

Now, it's a fiction writer, which--depending on who's standards you use -- I am one.

And next year, plans are hopefully changing again. Like writing a book, I've always talked about a lot of things. And usually it was nothing more than just flapping jaws because I'd never do anything to move from here to anywhere close to there.

But, right now I'm in the middle of shooting for my next goal -- become a college professor and teach writing.

And why shoot low? I'm going to one one of the thousands of applicants applying to the Iowa Writer's Workshop. The legendary writer's program is held at the University of Iowa, which would make me a Hawkeye.

Think of it like Harvard Law for writers. It's like applying for a standard maters program (This one would be a Masters in Fine Arts), but the key points are the writing samples you send in. So, I'm currently working on three short stories to send them -- which I use an excuse, among many, for not updating the blog.

I'll apply with best intentions, but keeping in mind getting in would be a long shot, but also a huge honor. And if I do get in, man are we all partying up a storm.

So, again, please wish me luck on this. I think I'll need it.