"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.



That's right, as of 5:43 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 30, 2006, I finished the first rough draft of my first novel. One month, 50,201 pages.

While I'd like to emphasize how rough this draft is, there's a beginning, a middle and an end. The first goal has been met. The first hurdle is clear. Still, don't ask for a copy yet. It's really rough.

Now it's on to months worth of editing, rewriting, page layout, cover design, more editing and publishing. While I have no clue how long any of this will take, I'm shooting to have the thing released March 15, the day in the book Ethan, one of the main characters, commits suicide.

I can't thank the people who have supported me through this and other writing projects I've done. I gurantee you this one will be seen through to the end. It's the first of many. There's no greater feeling than shutting and finally getting something done.

But, for all the Winona kids who have inspired this book, I want you to know I love you all. Meredith, mom and the rest of my family, thanks for everything always.

But for those of us who are privvy to some inside jokes, here are some things that made it into the book. Some were planned, others just wrote themselves in.
- First Prentiss
- Subway bag
- Killing coy
- Punching walls
- Streaking campus
- Underage alcohol delivery
- Frats and Roofies
- Attic House
- Pink Taco
- Pink piles of puke
- Lobby lizards
- Drink Day

So now, with one day left of vacation for the week, I'm going to take the rest of the night off and begin editing tomorrow morning. No more getting up at 7:30 a.m. every day on my vacation. I figure one day sleeping in is payment enough.

Last day...

I've never been that great with deadlines, but I excell under pressure.

It's the last day to write anything to fall within the parameters of this chanllenge. I know I need a little more than 5,000 words, which is about the pace I've been on for the last week.

Instead of wasting one more keystroke on this blog, I'm going to write.

I'll post when I get to 50,000. Or when I give up early.

Kellen smells like poo.


40,000 done and in the bag

Well, last night I hit 40.000 words, which means I'm on the scheduled pace I should be -- 10,000 words a day. And, yes, that is a lot words for one day.

While sitting in your room by yourself on the computer all day might be all the rage with the kids, I find it depressing. Every day I have to take a break and walk around to find other people. It doesn't matter if I know them because I don't want to talk to them. I just need to see people.

That, and I've already lost four pounds this week. I suggest everyone try the writer diet. Just forget to eat full meals on time.

Anyway, I'm going back to what I should be doing.


It's time

Now is the time to see if I have what it takes. I've talked about doing a lot in my life, but rarely have actually done it. Guys from college, you know what I mean. Meredith, you know what I mean.

This week will decide if I can finally shut the hell up and do something with my life - do what I want to do with it. No more talk. It's time for action.

So here I am on the eve of the turning point of my life. Do I go on doing what I'm told, keeping a steady job or do I move forward with doing what would truly make my happy? If I succeed, I would be my own boss for the rest of my life.

The fridge is stocked. The laundry is done. Work is non-existant. Distractions have disappeared.

I will tell you this -- the ending is done and it even suprised me. It's nothing you'll expect.

Now, knowing the beginning and the end, I have to make sure I set the scenery and tone equal to the completed parts.

To all of my friends, you have inspired my life in more ways than I could ever repay you for. I love you all. Wish me the best.

With love,