"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


I've been bad...

Actually, I've been behaving recently, at least to a certain extent. 

Last week, I saw an ad on the SF Bay Craigslist looking for a job, but instead I found something even better.

An ad for a startup magazine called Kidnapped! said: "Do desperate times call for desperate measures? Have you ever done something you’re not entirely proud of? Made a dubious decision in the heat of the moment, fueled by the unlikelihood of being caught, remembered, or resisted? Has personal gain ever out-weighed moral obligation, friendship, or dignity? 

If so, we want to hear about it."

And they did. 

I wrote a story — aptly named Divorce Party — about an experience where I did some funny, but not-too-funny things while bartending a divorce party a few years ago. I workshopped it with the usual Tuesday night crowd and they liked it. 

Today I got an email from the magazine that said they "LOVE" the story (and the caps were theirs). 

The issue is supposed to be out this summer, so look for it. 

Until then, I'll be writing.