So here I am, sitting outside on my back porch on the chair I stole out of a dumpster. The cicadas are buzzing in the trees, a hypnotizing rhythm that goes well with the Imogen Heap playing on my headphones, but it's not enough to entirely drown out my shouting neighbors of the "Pop Goes the Weasel" from the passing ice cream truck. The frozen pizza is sitting well in my stomach. Ah, the life of a starving artist.
It's been a weird month, so maybe that's why I've not been updating the blog. Sorry about that.
So, here's what's been going on.
- The Young Emerging Writers Workshop is all but done. The writing part is done. Tomorrow, Shawn Eldridge—the illustrious editor of A Constant Suicide—and I will be putting the final touches on the layout for The Atlas, the literary magazine we publish at the end. Everyone should come to the release party Aug. 11.
- Right now a copy of A Constant Suicide and about 100-or so pages are being read by an agent in New York. It's the one the romance novelists from the reading hooked me up with. The query letter I sent the agent was good enough for her to read my work, so that's a plus. So, now I wait.
- I got another rejection letter about a short story called "Archives." I'll send it out somewhere else and send Word Riot something new. No biggie.
- After seven weeks of healing, my ankle felt great. My new Xsjados arrived, so I went skating in the church parking lot. That lead to up Brady Street, skating at a nearby school and down to the skate park. The X-rays the next day said that was a bad choice. So, I sit around and heal. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not good at sitting around.
- Right now, I've passed the 33,000-word mark on the latest novel. While I've been "working" on it for nearly a year, I've been slacking until lately. Now I'm cruising through it. With an agent looking at it, that means that there's a possibility it might sell somewhere. So, I figure I might as well finish it.
Hopefully everything is beautiful with everyone. If you'll excuse me, I've got some writing to do.