"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.
New side project
So, along with the next novel, my next writing project is a graphic novel.
It's the brain child of Alex "That Kid Who Draws" Iaccarino.
It's going to be a zombie attack in a major city. Sure, the idea's been done, but Alex's unique style of art, along with Wizard of Oz Photography, some willing models and usage of Mikey LiLian and Nick Yazbec's apartment, it's going to be something you haven't seen in a while.
I'm working on the storyline while the Wizard and That Kid will be doing all of the art work. We're talking about a perfect-bound soft cover book published under Rock Town Press. It's way more than just a comic.
It's miles away from anything than anything any of us have done before. That is, except for That Kid's love of incorporating zombie's into his mind-blowing art.
Until then, I'm shopping for an axe and polishing up my 9mms because Alex and I are on the hunt for zombies.
Until there's more news, happy hunting.
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