"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


Sales good, promotions bad

Online sales on Amazon have been going well, but if you haven't pre-ordered, don't be shy and get on there. The book's going to be sent for proof next week. That means I'll be able to hold my baby in my hands and examine it for every imperfection. It's just like being a real parent.

But, in the real of all that is self-publishing, I can guarantee one thing -- promoting yourself sucks. I have to go around and tell people how great I am and why they should buy my book. Seriously, I know arrogance would run high on my personality trait list, but even this is a bit much for me.

So, to ease my I-feel-like-a-whore pains, tell as many people as you can. Link the image of the cover to your MySpace page. Send some e-mails. Anything would help.

Seriously, I'm just a writer, not a PR flak.


Anonymous said...

I always thought calling a nationaly syndicating talk radio show and slyly pimping your book was a sure fire way to garnish some sales. You'd have to be fairly sneaky about it I think.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Brian! Mandy told me about the book yesterday, and I am very impressed, it looks like it will be fantastic. Congrats again and Hope all is great!

Jay said...

Way ahead of ya bro. The day I ordered one, I linked it to my MySpace page for ya! Heres an idea...your a newspaper writer, write an article about the pains of self-publishing! You have a first hand knowledge. Also, look for CityPages or other rags like that that do local interest stories and promote it that way.

Emily said...

Hating on the PR pros even when you might need them, eh? Congrats on your accomplishment - I plan to order my copy soon.