"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


Long, long weekend

Let's just say it was interesting.

My mom and brother hung out Friday night and Saturday. Then the party with about 300 guests including my cousin Dan and Kelly, Dean and Emily from Winona, and a slew from the Q-C. As far as I could tell, everyone had fun -- some maybe too much. Then, after 3 a.m. rolled around, we headed to my apartment for good times until 7 a.m. with some of the Iowa rollerbladers.

Then breakfast, then a nap, then work, then sleep, then the bike races, then a lack of sleep and now work. Ouch.

And, it wouldn't be a three-day weekend without some very, very weird twists in my social life. I'd go into it further, but, hey, it's my life. Get your own.

And the Argus/Dispatch ran my version of how the book came together. Buy a copy of today's paper and check it out.

Also, a friend told me her cousin heard about my book from a psych professor in Des Moines. That's just weird. Cool, but weird.

All I know is that when I release my second novel, I'm not scheduling a party at the beginning of a three-day weekend. That's just brutal in ways I didn't think was possible.

And now back to the world of the working class.

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