"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


29 percent done

The numbers say I'm close to a third done. After a full day of writing Friday, I was feeling pretty good. I'm starting to understand my characters, but it seems they're acting without my direction. Weird.

But, while 29 percent on the 6th sounds good, it's no where near close to being to final copy. It's going to take some heavy revisions. I figure if it's going to be my first publishing, it might as well not be complete crap.

My schedule, however, is telling me when I get a free second, I must be writing.

Here's my normal week. Work from 8-5 or later every day. Wednesday night volunteer. Try to get workouts in there to prevent adulthood obesity. Then comes the weekend.

Friday. Paper 8-5. SkateChurch 5-10. Copia 11-3. Sleep. Saturday. Run errands. SkateChurch 3-7. Copia 7-3. More sleep. This Sunday I worked out and then reviewed Godsmack (which ruled) for the paper. Next weekend I'm visiting Meredith.

It's kind of hard to try and start writing knowing you only have a half-hour to do it or you're just too damn tired.

But alas! I will prevail. I'm too young to be tired. Besides, that's what stimulants are for. Caffeine. Coffee. Red Bull. Really loud angry music.

Chapter one will be posted by the end of the week. Stay tuned.

Viva la Novel!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I find that a great time to write is in a nice warm bubble bath. Especially if you have the room lit with scented candles. Just watch out for those fart bubbles they will get you everytime.