"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


Still going...

Despite the lack of posts after putting up the first chapter, I'm still writing. Everything is moving along plot wise, but I'm a little stuck at the middle. Getting from a person shooting himself in the head to the end has to have a plausible transition.

But, right now I'm writing from Meredith's computer in West Virginia. It's my first time here since I moved her here in August. She's visited me, but I needed to come back and see her.

With writing about murder all of the time for the paper, constantly talking to the mothers of murdered sons, and now writing about a suicide in my spare time, I needed to clear my head for a while.

So, this is the only writing I'm doing on my trip.

I'm close to the half-way point, but I don't want to rush and put down crappy ideas just to meet the 50K word deadline by the end of the month. Then it will be onto long rewrites, sending a few copies out to publishers and then probably publishing it myself.

But right now, I'm just going to relax and take in the sights in lovely West Virginia.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Krans I have a sight seeing spot for you. Look up Randy Moss's childhood home. I would really like to know what kind of dump he grew up in. By grew up I mean age wise not intellegence wise. But the first chapter looked great I can't wait to read the whole thing, even though I don't read so good. Maybe make a dumbed down version for myself and the other shleps you know from Winona.