"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


Turkey bowling & writing

Nothing new yet, other than this drip coming from my nose. Usually, I get sick on my vacation, but this year I get it the week before.

Tonight I'll be officiating over turkey bowling at the bar. I wanted to use live turkeys, but that idea was nixed. I still might do the sound effects.

Then I'll spend all day on Turkey Day writing. I won't be going home. No one to have dinner with. Woe-is-me, right? No!

Last year was so great, I'm still overfilled. Bama and I made quite a nice showing for two kids that don't cook that often. We sat and fed our faces and chilled on the couch. Best holiday memory I've ever had. Seriously, it kicked ass.

I wish you all the best and I'll make sure to keep posting tidbits as I spend next week sheltered inside my apartment.

Have some extra stuffing for me.


Unknown said...

Krans if you want I will bring you some turkey when Joe and I come down. I will even bring you some gravy with it.

Brian Krans said...

Hopefully you're not talking about man gravy.

Jay said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you to bro!
And hey...Id rather spend Thanksgiving alone, but I got to go to the inlaws instead..woe is me!

Brian Krans said...

I'd like to laugh at you for that, but as I recall the point of me standing up at your wedding was symbolic of my blessing of the union. So, technicaly, you spending time at the in-laws is partially my fault. Sorry.