I've started my latest book, a fresh idea that came to me during my trip to New Orleans. Two other ideas I had before I liked, but couldn't seem to get past the first two chapters without agony. Not a good sign.
The latest project deals heavily with medicating kids. It's something I touched on in A Constant Suicide, but it's taking a new direction and a better take on it.
I've just started on it, putting about 2,000 words down. It isn't like last time where it was a race to meet a deadline, so sometimes words were just words. This time, I'm laying down and hinting at back story from the beginning, trying to create rich, multi-dimensional characters that don't really move too far geographically.
I've got my main character, my narrator. And I'm giving him his voice. The supporting characters are coming in slowly.
I hate to be vague in this, but this project's new and I want to make sure I know where I'm going with it before I say much about it. All I can say is that I'm really excited to write it and even more excited to do the research that will go into it.
My goal is to have it completed by the end of the year. At the pace I'm going, that should be no problem.
Again, any and all support is always appreciated.
"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.
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