"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


Tidbits from the latest book

Here are bits and pieces from the novel I'm working on right now. It doesn't have a title, but at least it has a beginning.

- I say we set fire to it all. Let everything burn. Let's start something new from the ashes. Let destruction give birth. Because if you do everything and feel nothing, you might as well put a match to it all and worship what's left.

- Love is the most abundant emotion out there, but hate makes the biggest difference. It's marks are felt everywhere. A gunshot wound. A war-torn country. Famine. Plagues. Summer camp.

- "A parent's job is to make their kid's life better, not worse." The narrator.

- It's a chance to be a kid forever. Fifteen never has to end. This is my Neverland.

- In my attempt to keep things simple, everything became complex.

- It's call a crush for a reason.

- "I didn't want my dad to be my first." A 14-year-old camper.

- Wipe clean my memory of all of this. Enter not into my delirium, but into my psychosis. End my worries. End it all. But don't end me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some tasty morsels. It'll be nice to see them come together as a complete meal.