"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


My first reading...

So, the folks over at Quad City Arts invited me, so I might as well get over my phobia and finally do a reading of my book. Hope everyone can make it.

Here's the press release Ryan made up:

WHAT: Brian Krans feature reader at MWC’s January Out Loud

WHEN: Thursday, January 31, 7pm

WHERE: 3rd Floor Conference Room, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E. 2nd St. Davenport, IA (in the Bucktown Center for the Arts)

Brian Krans will be the featured reader at Out Loud January 31

The Midwest Writing Center’s Out Loud reading series is back! 2008 is our fifth year, and to mark the occasion, we planning to have featured readers —both poetry and prose— following the open reading part of the evening, which starts at 7pm. Our first feature is Brian Krans, author of A Constant Suicide.

“Brian Krans attended Winona State University in Winona, MN, where he initially majored in criminal justice but graduated with a degree in journalism… In 2004, Krans took his journalism degree to the Quad-Cities to begin covering police and courts for The Rock Island Argus/The (Moline) Dispatch. He’s covered numerous presidential campaign stops, traveled to the Hurricane Katrina-ravaged Gulf Coast area, and the trial of a teen charged with the brutal murder and dismemberment of a fellow classmate that garnished national media coverage… In his non-fiction writing, Krans has interviewed everyone from lifelong prostitutes to BMX biking legends. From police detectives on the scene to convicted murderers in prison… A Constant Suicide is his first novel. He’s currently working on a second.” (from www.aconstantsuicide.com)

This will be his first featured reading and it promises to be a great evening. So come to Out Loud, read some of your own work and then take in the high-intensity work of Brian Krans, our first Out Loud featured reader of 2008!


Unknown said...

Hey Brian! I don't know if you remember me but I interned at the Argus a few years back. Anyway I saw this blog and I thought I'd saw congrats. I need to check out this book of yours

Anonymous said...

Hi Brian Krans,

I really enjoyed your book, although I think about you every time I take a shower.

"your bitch is shedding..."

Best of luck with your reading and stuff.