"A Constant Suicide" is the self-published, debut novel of Brian Krans. The first draft of the novel was written in November 2006, as part of National Novel Writing Month. It was released in May 2007 by Rock Town Press.


San Fran...

I'm looking forward to seeing this image in person. Maybe not this exact scene, but something like it. And I like a good skyline and dusk scene as much as the next hetero guy, but this is not why I'll be moving to San Francisco by fall. 

I guess it's been too long since I've been excited by anything that has sustained itself for an extended period of time. Don't get me wrong, I love so many aspects of my life right now that the thought of leaving it makes me sick to my stomach. 

Things have seemed to reach a standstill in the Quad-Cities. Stagnant is maybe a better word. I have amazing friends and I always seem to find a way to keep myself interested, but there must be more. Too often I find myself doing the same things, falling into the same ruts. I crave a challenge. I crave adventure. 

So, by my 28th birthday, I will be living in San Francisco with my friend Les. I'll be selling my car and relying on my skates, a bike and public transportation to navigate the 13th most populous city in the country. Thirteen is my lucky number after all.

For the first few months, I might have to survive on money from the sale of my car, but two weeks without a job will drive me insane. I know I'll find something, but newspapers are out. Sadly, the old gray ladies are dying. Online reading — like you're doing now — is, sadly, where it is at. Oh well, I always have unsold copies of A Constant Suicide I can hock on the streets. 

For my creative writing, I couldn't ask for anything better. Taking myself out of my comforts of home, really seeing a city instead of what's in front of my windshield, should do wonders for my creativity. That, and the writing scene is AMAZING! I could very easily be applying to the three schools there with a Creative Writing MFA for fall 2010. Consider that done. 

A writer and a graphic designer from Iowa (which allows gay marriage) move to San Francisco. They both rollerblade. Sure, that doesn't sound gay at all. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck my man.

I think we learn more from cities than classes.

I'm excited for you.

And in the grand words of The Jerk:
The lord loves a working man; if you catch it, get rid of it; and don't trust whitey.

- devin